Nothing from me for quite some time, huh? Life has been pretty good since I got back to San Francisco. My residency at Starry Night Retreat changed my life in ways I had not imagined. I think that's something I'll get into at length, but not at the moment, because there is Christmas shopping to be done and some overdue edits on a story to wrap up, too. I kind of just wanted to check in with the blog and say I'm still writing, though it's mostly in notebooks and about my feeeeelings (and I've been having a LOT of feelings. Oh Lord). It's just that since I've been home, and since I've put to paper so many things I wanted to write, I've had a serious aversion to the computer and the internet. Instead of sitting at my desk and scrolling mindlessly, I go outside and I walk my dog. We drive outside of the city and we smell new smells and we see beautiful things and I squat down and call her to me, and she puts her little paws on my knees and she licks my chin.
It's good. Life is good.
Here are a few pictures from some of my recent day trips. Hopefully I'll be back on here, or at least on my poor, neglected movie blog, and I'll be able to limit myself to just writing posts and not wasting time on Facebook or whatever.
Sunset at Point Reyes |
Shipwreck |
Pacifica |
Pacifica |
The Most Beautiful Taco Bell in the World (Pacifica, CA) |